Our Lady of Miracles

Home for Girls in Bogotá, Colombia

Our Lady of Miracles is a home in Bogota, Colombia that welcomes young women between the ages of 4 and 16 who have nowhere else to go. The house is administered by four Catholic nuns from Peru, and as of February 2024, provides food and housing for seventeen girls.




How we help.

The Furball Foundation partners with the Monarch Butterfly Leadership Foundation in Bogotá, Colombia to create a program specifically for the young women at Our Lady of Miracles. The program focusses on two major areas – improve the condition of the house and improve the lives of the girls.

The FBF has already made a wide range of infrastructure improvements, including the complete remodeling of the dining area, and a large-scale cleanup of the property. Through the Monarch Butterfly Foundation, the FBF provides frequent classes in leadership, personal responsibility and professional development.

The Program in Action!

Classes in Arts and Crafts

The FBF sponsors classes in Arts and Crafts as a means of letting the girls explore their creative talents.

Day Trips

We sponsor fun and educational day trips, like this adventure to the Bogotá Botanical Gardens.

Learning to Work as a Team

The girls learn to plant and maintain their own garden on the property, where they grow vegetables for their daily meals.


The girls receive classes from a wide variety of professionals in the Bogotá area, like this pizza chef!


Furball Foundation Director – Lieutenant Coronel Sandra Milena Reyes, gives the girls a lecture on leadership and personal responsibility.

Professional Development

The girls listen to a lecture from an environmental engineer as she explains her job and the importance of taking care of our planet.

New Dining Room!

The girls are waiting to celebrate a birthday in the newly remodeled dining room at Our Lady of Miracles.


The old dining room was damaged by water and had holes in the walls open to the outside.  Here, the girls prepare to have Christmas dinner in the rennovated dining room.

Colombian Day of Love and Friendship

It can’t be all work, so the FBF sponsors celebrations for holidays and birthdays, where we provide snacks, drinks and sometimes presents.

Ferrets or Girls?

Tough decision!  So we leave that one up to you. When you donate to The Furball Foundation, you can choose where your money goes.  Just choose “FERRETS” or “GIRL’S HOME” when you make your donation through our website/Paypal.